Yoko Ono appeals for end to gun violence
Written by admin on March 20, 2013 – 10:00 pm -Yoko Ono has entered the gun control debate in the US by posting a photograph of John Lennon’s bloodied glasses on Twitter. Lennon was murdered outside his New York apartment on December 8, 1980.
Yoko sent a series of Tweets on the subject:
“Over 1,057,000 people have been killed by guns in the USA since John Lennon was shot and killed on 8 Dec 1980.”
“31,537 people are killed by guns in the USA every year. We are turning this beautiful country into war zone.”
“Together, let’s bring back America, the green land of peace.”
“The death of a loved one is a hollowing experience. After 33 years our son Sean and I still miss him – Yoko Ono Lennon.”
Tags: John Lennon, John Lennon glasses, Yoko Ono
Posted in The Beatles |