The Rock & Roll Pop Culture Auction – March 2014
Written by admin on March 15, 2014 – 10:02 pm -Elvis Presley, the Beatles and Michael Jackson are among the artists featured in the upcoming “Rock & Roll Pop Culture Auction” by Gotta Have Rock & Roll™.
The auction, which runs from March 26 to April 4, features over 800 lots, including stage, film and video worn costumes; concert played instruments; personal clothing; rare concert posters; gold album awards; and much more.
There are 165 Elvis Presley items up for auction, including:
- a 1956 stage worn Lansky’s suit
- a pair of leather boots worn during his 1968 television special
- a custom made checkered jacket, signed to the members of the Tankers Fan Club
- a diamond and black star sapphire gold nugget ring.

The 42 Beatles lots include:
- “A Hard Day’s Night” original RIAA 45 coin style white matte 45 record award
- a 1963 Abergavenny town hall ballroom original poster
- a Beatles photograph signed by all four members of the band
- a Paul McCartney signed Hofner bass guitar.

The following are among the most highly rated of the 40 Michael Jackson lots:
- stage worn and signed “Billie Jean” shoes
- owned and worn military style jackets
- stage worn fedoras
- hand drawn and signed portraits.

Other the many other items up for auction include:
- Jim Morrison “Love Me Two Times”/”Have You Seen Her Lately” original handwritten lyrics
- stage used Keith Moon drumhead with his handwritten set list
- only known original concert poster for Jimi Hendrix at New York State University at Stony Brook
- “Dirty Work” album signed by the Rolling Stones
- Bruce Springsteen stage used harmonica and guitar pick
- Bob Dylan early handwritten and signed note to Eve McKenzie
- Blondie “Autoamerican” original gold album award
- Madonna 1985 handwritten and signed letter giving notice of change of attorney
- Andy Warhol signed exhibition poster.
The full list of auction lots is available on the Gotta Have Rock & Roll™ website
Tags: auction, beatles auction, Elvis auction, gotta have rock and roll auction, Rock & Roll Pop Culture Auction
Posted in Auctions, Elvis, The Beatles |