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Hendrix to feature in Native American exhibition

Written by admin on May 8, 2010 – 7:00 am -

Personal items belonging to Jimi Hendrix will feature in an exhibition at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) in July.

The “Up Where We Belong: Native Americans in Popular Culture” exhibition will tell the stories and histories of Native Americans who achieved musical greatness, including Jimi Hendrix (Cherokee), Russell “Big Chief” Moore (Gila River Indian Community), Rita Coolidge (Cherokee), Buffy Sainte-Marie (Cree), and the group Redbone.

Jimi Hendrix - Native American exhibition

Jimi Hendrix was born Johnny Allen Hendrix on November 27, 1942 in Seattle, Washington. He was of African, European and Cherokee Indian descent. Jimi spent a lot of time in his youth staying with his Cherokee grandmother, Zenora “Nora” Hendrix, in Canada and he often spoke fondly of her.

Jimi Hendrix grandparents - Nora and Ross Hendrix
Ross and Nora Hendrix
Jimi’s grandmother had been born Zenora Moore in Georgia in 1883. In her early twenties she began performing with a traveling vaudeville troupe as a chorus girl/dancer.

It was on this tour that she met her future husband, Bertram Philander Ross Hendrix (known as Ross), who was part of the same troupe.

In 1919, Nora gave birth to Jimi’s father, James Allen Ross Hendrix.

The Smithsonian exhibition will feature Hendrix items that were left at his New York apartment when he died in England in 1970. These include a colourful patchwork leather coat, a leather necklace and a leather pouch.

“Up Where We Belong: Native Musicians in Popular Culture” runs from July 1, 2010 to January 2, 2011. The NMAI is on the National Mall, Washington, DC.

Jimi Hendrix – Cherokee Mist

Posted in American Rock |

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